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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Freebie Update

I had talked about how I was going to start signing up for freebies in a recent post and I am here to send an update! It hasn't been too hard or time consuming. I thought I would check things daily, but I haven't had time for that so I have been checking my "freebie" sites weekly and it has been working well for me.

Things I have liked so far:

  • It was wise to start a separate email account because you do get some junk mail from the things you fill out. 
  • You get to try &/or donate products you wouldn't normally buy.
  • There are a ton of freebies for food where you sign up for restaurants and they give you a free meal! This has been great for the hubs because he eats out every day for lunch (trust me... I have TRIED too many times to get him to pack a isn't gonna happen)!
  • It saves money!! I have gotten so many "feminine hygiene" products that I may not ever have to buy my own again!
Things I haven't liked so far:
  • The only thing I can say is that from a green standpoint, there is some waste doing this. All the samples are sent in packaging, most of which can be recycled, but I have felt a little guilty throwing away the outside plastic that the sample comes in for some of them. Other than that, it has been all good!
If you want to try this for yourself I would recommend going to our Coupon Queen page and scroll down to "FREE STUFF". Then just follow the links to the sites listed to get your freebies! You will find that many of the sites list the same things so even if you are checking weekly, it should 't be too overwhelming! And don't forget.... sign up for a separate email account to bypass junk mail being sent to your everyday email! 

Check out some of my freebies below:

Some of the freebies include: feminine hygiene products, diapers, coupons, makeup vouchers, toiletry sample packs, water testing kit, free circus tickets, & free meals at local restaurants! This has only been a fraction of what I have been sent! Pretty cool right!?

We would love to hear how you get freebies and what your favorite sites are to get them! We would love to add them to our Coupon Queen page!!!!

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