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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Family Fun: Who Doesn't Love the Park?!

Regardless of where you live, we can all share fun stories of the kids playing at the local park! We love to try out new parks around cincy so we and the boys can explore the city! This week we went to Woodland Mound in Anderson. It was beautiful! They have a dry and wet playground, walking trails and much more

Their wet playground is HUGE and has lots of fun water play for kids of all ages! They also have a snack bar with cool drinks and hot sandwiches! Admission is $2.00 per child ages 2 to 12. The wet playground is open daily from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., May 29 through September 6, weather permitting! They have awesome trails that would be perfect for bike riding, running or sharing a walk with a friend! The boys had fun playing on the playground and then we finished up the with a packed lunch! We would love to hear what parks are your favorite! 

**Don't forget to check out our Family Fun page for other great ideas!!**


  1. That park looks like fun. But the question is, did Cody go down the slide? He has that look he gets:)

  2. Yeah! He did with the help of his mama! He still is not sure of the slide by himself! I think it freaks him out! But he loves it when I hold his hands while he slides down!!!
