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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wednesday Weekly Check-In: Breastfeeding Awareness Week!

Hey there all you lovely mamas out there! Happy Breastfeeding Awareness Week! This weekly check in is dedicated to those of you who are nursing, have nursed or know someone who is nursing right now! If you yourself have breastfed your child(ren), you know how difficult it can be. Our society doesn't exactly embrace the idea of nursing your child. We have all heard the stories of women being kicked out of places for nursing or maybe even you yourself have felt those awful stares from the surrounding crowd while you feed your baby public. Maybe you have had problems with the baby latching on, your milk production, or just plain sore boobs!!! Regardless of what the hurtle was or is, we want to give you props just for trying!

We both nursed our boys and each had different experiences. We talk a lot about how we feel women don't talk enough about the trials and tribulations you meet while breastfeeding. Our suggestion??? Research and prepare as much as you can on the topic BEFORE the baby is here! Reach out for support from friends, family, and community groups! Follow the links below for additional resources:

Breastfeeding is a wonderful, amazing experience. However, don't feel guilty if there are some days you feel like giving up. It doesn't make you a bad mom, it makes you human. Don't feel ashamed to ask for help, advice, or support from those around you. Also, we understand that breastfeeding is not something that all moms are interested in. Don't let anyone make you feel guilty for any choices you choose to make as a parent (we have an easy enough time making ourselves feel guilty for things we do and don't do as parents)!

This week is Breastfeeding Awareness Week!!! Be a support to anyone you know who is nursing and send words of encouragement their way!! You never know, they may really need it!
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