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Monday, August 2, 2010

Money Saving Monday: Travel Highchair GIVEAWAY!

I recently came across this travel high chair while looking for something to take with us on vacation, not knowing if the house we were staying in had a high chair. Luke is old enough to want to sit at the table in the big chairs with us, climbing on the chair BUT as you know - it's not easy to feed a wiggling child who's trying to get up and down from the chair because you're without your regular high chair! We do have a smaller traveling high chair that clips to a chair but as we're flying, there's no way we're taking any thing more than the bare essentials!

Jody has been clever enough to come up with a super easy way to fix this problem! This is a compact fabric travel baby high chair that folds down to fit easily in a diaper bag or purse. It can be easily attached to a chair and the velcro strips allow for it to be tightened for a custom fit. This is intended for babies that can sit unassisted and for older toddlers that need a bit more security when sitting in a chair. This is perfect for situations when you don't have a high chair. It makes a great gift for that mom who has everything! I purchased one for Luke and LOVE it! There are so many cute patterns you can even get one custom made! For more information you can go to her etsy page. Jody has been kind enough to give us one of these Wrap N' Go high chairs to one lucky reader on our blog! A winner will be chosen using on Sunday, August 8th. Here is a picture of Luke showing you what the pattern is that we'll be giving away!


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*Leave us a comment telling us which of the WrapNGo patterns is your favorite!

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