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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Healthy Living: SUGAR Shocker!!!!

We recently wrote about how we have been researching juice for the boys and came across a graph that absolutely floored us!!! We know that sugar is in a lot of things we eat, but how much is really bad for you?? Are we overdosing on sugar without even knowing it???! Check out this graph with results from Harvard University. You will be amazed!!

If you want even more info, check out Jamie Oliver's video about how much sugar is really in the juice we drink. We have always been fans of his and he has inspired us to get involved in his food revolution, since child nutrition is a passion of ours!

If you are looking for a way to cut your sugar consumption, try these easy flavored water alternatives:

Add a few slices of fresh lemon or lime.
• Quarter an orange, squeeze in all of the juice, then toss in the squeezed quarters for color and extra flavor.
• Mash up a handful of strawberries or raspberries with a fork then add to the jug and stir through.
• Scrunch a handful of fresh mint in your hands to get the flavor going then add that to the jug with a squeeze of lemon or lime juice. If you’re feeling a bit adventurous, add a few slices of cucumber too. It might sound strange, but it is seriously refreshing. 

What are your favorite ways to cut sugar from your diet??
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