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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Make Your Own Blocks!

Every time Cody and I go to the CFEC he plays with the cardboard blocks that look like bricks... he LOVES them! I found this site that tells you how to make your own!

Blocks spark imagination and creativity, and can keep kids busy for hours. Jumbo-sized building blocks are always a hit with young kids--remember forts? Here are some simple directions for how to make your own jumbo building blocks from empty cardboard milk cartons. 

  • Various sizes of clean, dry cardboard milk or juice cartons. You'll need two of the same size for each block.
  • Self-stick contact paper, for covering the blocks.
  1. After washing and thoroughly drying the cartons, use a scissors to remove the triangular tops of the cartons, so there is a square opening at the top of each carton.
  2. Set one carton in front of you, open side up, and slide the other carton into it, open side first.
  3. Cover the block with contact paper.

I have been collecting our milk cartons for some time now. I just recently went to Michaels (check out their free family event for this sat) and bought some contact paper (I couldn't find the brick paper so I got the wood grain paper). I am going to try and start cleaning all of them and see if I can make my own! So.... I will be doing a follow up post in a few weeks with pics etc. I would love for you to make your own too and send your pics in so I can post some of yours as well (or leave your pics as comments the day of the post)!

If you don't get a lot of milk cartons, ask your friends and family to save theirs! This would be a fun craft project to involve the kids in and teach them about reusing items vs. tossing in the garbage! 

**Don't forget to check out our Family Fun page for other great ideas!** Don't hesitate to email us any suggestions so we can add them to our list! 
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