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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Great American Salad Bar Project!

If the highly processed foods that are being served to our children in schools aren't your idea of a healthy lunch it's time for YOU to get involved! Lets work together and give our kids a healthy start and a healthier lunch! With at least 30% of our children being overweight, childhood obesity has more than doubled and it's a scary result with the prediction of one in three kids that will develop diabetes. Our kids deserve better and it is up to parents to help drive these changes in our schools!

We're excited to share with you that Whole Foods Market is participating with Chef Ann Cooper to provide healthy salad bars to schools across the country. They are jumpstarting the movement by raising money for a salad bar in at least one school in the communities surrounding each of our stores in the U.S. That's almost 300 schools! You can help reach this goal by donating to your local store and also by helping a school of your choice to apply for a grant.

Do you have a school who needs a salad bar? You can apply for a grant here starting September 1st, 2010. Spread the word (Facebook, MySpace, Email, etc.) and lets work together to give our kids healthier school lunches!

If you have any ideas or would like to work with us to fundraise for a school in our area please let us know!
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