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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Healthy Living: Healthy Rice Krispy Treats!

I was reading some of the latest info over at Healthy Alter Ego and came across this great healthy recipe for Rice Krispy Treats! If you haven't had a chance to check out their website - you are missing out! They have so much great information for health and wellness for the entire family!

Not all healthier versions of food taste great but we can't wait to try this one out on the boys because it looks delicious!

Healthy Rice Krispy Treats
6 cups brown rice crisps (or if you have the rice krispies, go ahead and use it)
2/3 cup almond butter (if you don’t have it, try peanut butter)
2/3 cup raw honey (again, you can use brown rice syrup or agave but you might not use as much)
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp cinnamon
Melt the almond butter and raw honey in a sauce pan
Add vanilla and cinnamon
Combine with crispy rice

Press into 11 X 7 pan or dish lined with parchment paper (or lightly sprayed with oil)
They are that easy and delicious!

**Feel free to add chocolate chips, nuts, seeds or dried fruit to customize your bars. Of course the better quality your ingredients, the better they are for you. Just by making them yourself, you are aware of what’s in them.

For inspiration to make your treats healthier and to consider the trade offs, here are some of the facts around the nutrition:

  • Using brown rice crisps over the traditional white ones up the fiber, potassium and magnesium. This of course will vary depending on the brand you choose, so read your labels.
  • Almond butter adds quite a bit of protein (yeah) along with fiber, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and iron.
  • Raw honey is loaded with antioxidants and is a powerful boost to the immune system.

Thanks goes to Phyllis McCarthy over at Healthy Alter Ego for this great recipe!!

What other healthy treats have you tried that your kids love? We would love for you to share them with us so we can add them to our recipe database!  Don't forget to check out our recipe blog for more great family friendly recipes! 
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