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Monday, June 21, 2010

Money Saving Monday: Freebies!

I want to save more money!!!! How many times have we told ourselves this?! Over the last several years,  I have not really used coupons because a lot of the brands of food I buy never seem to offer them. I do try and buy as much organic, natural foods & products that I can. I am also trying to do as much "from scratch" cooking as possible and less from a box. Unfortunately, most of the coupons in the Sunday newspaper seem to be for products I just don't buy. However, recently, I told you about the Live Savings Summit I attended and posted a TON of money saving advice I learned from fellow bloggers! This is what made me start thinking about additional ways I could save money since we are on a budget (who isn't right?!). Then I met up with my friend, Tiff, who is a REAL thrifty mama! She showed me one entire closet full of things she got for free or close to! I was sick!!!! So I asked Tiff, how can I do this?!!? After a little bit of wine and some good eats, she gave me some pointers! Now I can say.... I am on a mission!!

So I started thinking about how I can apply all of these money saving techniques to my life and for my family. It is pretty overwhelming, but you have to start somewhere right?! This is my plan of action:

  1. I opened up a "freebie email". This is an email address you start just for your freebies you sign up for online (thanks again Tiff!!!)
  2. I am making a list of money saving blogs &/or websites that I like. Kim and I started a list when we started the blog on our Coupon Queen page. There are lists to all types of sites that help you save money! Some of these include: grocery coupons, free stuff, & thrifty blogs to name just a few. Please let us know if you have any other sites you would like us to add to our list. I am going to start with this and then pick some of my favorites! Tiff says she likes to visit her fav sites daily, so I am going to try and do the same so that I can keep up on all the free stuff! 
  3. When I find the freebies that I like I am going to sign up with them through my freebie email! I have not found a ton of sites that focus mostly on organic/ natural products, but I will be on the lookout. Even if I can find freebies that I may not use, I will donate them! It is easy enough to enter your email address in for a free product that you can give to a good cause. 
  4. The freebies is where I am going to start. I am hoping that this will lead me to sites that have coupons that I can use on food I normally buy!
So, whether you buy organic or not, we can all use free stuff!!! I will try and post good freebies as I come across them. Become a fan on our facebook page so you can receive info that we don't put in our daily posts (we post a lot of money savers we find on there)! If I can master the freebie search like Tiff, I will move onto the coupon realm which causes me anxiety just thinking about it! 

We would love to hear your money saving tips or favorite sites you frequently visit to save money!!! I know there are people out there who save a ton of money with coupons and freebies and I need your help so I can do it too!!! 
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