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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wednesday Weekly Check-In

Just a reminder to take care of yourself this week! We know things are busy and it is hard to find time for yourself.... BUT, it is important to MAKE the time! Constantly giving to everyone else can wear you down and eventually you will have nothing left to give. You are worth it!!!

We found a few beauty tips and tricks (thanks to mama, Jenny, for the link that you can get from your kitchen, save a little money, and feel a little better about yourself! Let us know if you try them and how they work!

Tip #1: Mayonnaise 
If you can get past the smell and the texture, mayonnaise makes a great, inexpensive conditioner. Apply mayo to dry hair and work through thoroughly. Cover with plastic cap, wrap in warm towel and leave on for 20-30 minutes, and then wash your hair as usual. When used regularly, mayonnaise will help reduce split ends and will add moisture to dry hair, making it look healthy and shiny. Using this conditioner once a month is all that you need.

Tip #2: Apple Cider Vinegar
If you have problem skin, apple cider vinegar can be used to clarify dull skin by removing dirt and excess oil. Once you remove dirt and oil from your face, your pores will be able to open up and your skin will look and feel healthier. This will help to eliminate acne, and prevent future acne breakouts. You can use apple cider vinegar as an astringent by mixing 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with 2 tablespoons of distilled water. Vinegar can also be used to solve dandruff problems. Pour vinegar into your hair, massaging it into the scalp. Let it sit for a few minutes and then rinse it out. You can repeat this process until the dandruff disappears.

Tip #3: Egg Yolks, Honey and Milk
The next time you are in the grocery store, select your fruits and vegetables carefully. Some of the same items that you eat may be perfect for a facial mask. One popular, moisturizing facial mask combines egg yolks, honey and milk. Combine all of these ingredients together and mix until it is in paste form. Apply a thin layer, evenly to your face. If you find your mixture is too runny, you can add more honey until it is of a consistency that you can work with. Leave it on your face for 20 minutes, and then wash off with warm water and pat dry.

Tip #4: Coffee Grinds
A popular home remedy to help get rid of cellulite is to make a paste using a mix of ground coffee and body lotion. Rub the mixture on the parts of your body with cellulite. The coffee grinds will help increase blood flow and circulation and breakdown the fat that helps to cause cellulite. Leave your coffee treatment on for a half an hour, and then wash it off. If you opt for this at-home treatment, also make sure to drink a lot of water; this will allow for the toxins and fatty deposits to be flushed out of your body.

Tip #5: Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Olive oil is truly one of the world's best beauty secrets. It is a natural, hypoallergenic, inexpensive way to moisturize skin. It also provides valuable antioxidants, like Vitamins A and E that can help repair and renew skin that has been damaged from the sun, air pollution, and cigarette smoke. The antioxidants in olive oil help to stimulate health skin cell growth and return skin to a firmer, smoother, and healthier state. Olive oil can be applied to your face and body and helps to keep skin well-moisturized. You can use it as either a night cream or daily moisturizer. Just be sure to apply it to damp skin. Olive oil can also be used as an eye makeup remover, just add a drop or two to a cotton pad it gently removes eye makeup without irritating the delicate skin around the eye area. Over time, it can even help to smooth our under eye wrinkles.

Tip #6: Epsom Salt
The benefits of Epsom Salt aren't just folk lore, says the Epsom Salt Council. They boast that the two major components of Epsom are magnesium and sulfate and that between these two minerals they can ease stress, improve sleep and concentration and help to flush toxins out of your body. You can use Epsom Salt for soaking in a bath. Add two cups of Epsom Salt to warm water in a standard-sized bathtub. It is a popular remedy (one that I still use after working out at the gym) for easing muscle pain. The Epsom Salt Council recommends that you bathe with Epsom Salt three times weekly, soaking for at least 12 minutes.

Tip #7: Vaseline
You probably have a tub of Vaseline sitting in your bathroom closet right now. For only a few dollars, Vaseline is a bargain beauty item with tons of different uses. of course you know to use the ever versatile Vaseline on cracked lips, dry or chaffed skin and on a baby's bottom, but did you know that it can take transform unsightly dry feet and turn them into smooth well-moisturized toes? Soak your feet in a pan of warm water for 15 minutes then exfoliate them with a pumice stone. Slather on a generous amount of Vaseline and throw on a pair of thick socks. Overnight, you will wake up to smooth, well moisturized feet.

**We have been on a natural, more green journey since the birth of our boys. We are figuring things out every day. A mom, Malinda, brought to our attention that Vaseline, a petroleum based product, is discouraged by the EWG because it is linked to cancer and it has been banned in the EU. She recommended to us to use a UN-Petroleum Jelly or something similar (check out this link for a great alternative to Vaseline). We appreciate the info Malinda and hope that you all help us along our journey with any info you have! We want to be able to share the best information possible with you!! Thanks for your continued support!**

Tip #8: Toothpaste
Toothpaste is a common staple in everyone's medicine cabinet. Instead of just using toothpaste for dental hygiene, try adding a dab on fingernails and toenails that are slightly discolored. Scrub nails with the toothpaste and a nail brush for healthier looking nails. Toothpaste can also provide relief from pesky bug bites, instead of scratching at bites until they swell up or bleed, dab a little toothpaste on the bite which will help to provide a little relief.

 Tip #9: Baking soda
Dry shampoos have been popular for a few years now but can be a little on the pricey side. If you have baking soda in your home, use it as a dry shampoo. If you suffer from oily, limp hair but don't have the time to do a full on shampoo, put a little baking soda and a little talcum powder on your brush and run it through your hair. This helps to absorb the excess oil in your hair and can help you hold off shampooing your hair for a day or two. Baking soda is also great for use as an at-home teeth whitening trick. Brush teeth with a tab of baking soda and salt and rinse your mouth with water when you are done.

What have you done for yourself this week??!

**Don't forget to check out our Product Spotlight page for products that can make your life just a little easier!** 

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