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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

How To Cut Your Soda Consumption in Half!

This week's healthy living post is one that definitely caught my eye while I was doing some of my weekly reading over at Healthy Alter Ego's website. Thanks to Jo Wehage! She had a great way of easily cutting your soda consumption in half!

Fortunately, neither Jennie or myself are big soda drinkers but there may be an occasion or two when we've had a long day with the boys and need an ice cold Coke! Of course there are special occasions where I'll have a soda but for the most part we simply don't buy it. Although I will admit there's nothing like a root beer float on a hot summer's day! 

Here's Jo's suggestion for cutting down on your soda intake! 

Step 1: Pour soda to the ½ point of your glass.
Step 2: Add sparkling water to the second ½
Step 3: Enjoy and listen to your body rejoice in your accomplishment

All you do is water down your soda of choice with club soda (or sparkling mineral water or seltzer) and you'll be amazed at how much this will satisfy your sweet craving! Your body will thank you! I'll be off to the store this week to get my own sparkling water and try it for myself! Let us know if you try it and what you think. 

If that still doesn't hit the spot for you maybe it's time to make your own soda from the comfort of your own home! Thanks to Soda Stream you can make your own soda that tastes great with no high fructose corn syrup and diet flavors that are sweetened with Splenda brand sweetener, not aspartame. Of course, water is always best but for those sweet summertime soda hankerings this may be a good alternative! Check out the chart below to see how Soda Stream compares to regular soda. 


SodaStream Cola349g9g2mg15mg
SodaStream Lemon Lime369g9g25mg0mg

Making carbonated water and soft drinks is simple! Turn tap water into sparkling water in under 30 seconds, with no clean-up. Enjoy the freshness and convenience of homemade soda and protect the environment at the same time. No heavy bottles to carry, store at home or throw away. Fizz to your taste and add the flavor of your choice to make your favorite drink. Simple to clean and reuse. The soda starter kit starts at only $109.95! 

If you'd like to try one for yourself, head on over to our aStore and find one for as cheap as $93!

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