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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Family Fun- Learning on the Go

If you're trying to teach your child's name to them, start early! Get a small chalk board or dry erase board and write your child's name on it and hang it on the back of the car seat facing them! This allows you to write their name, word of the day, etc. in a place they will see frequently! Every time you get them into their car seat, you can explain to them the letters of their name, the sounds they make and how to pronouce it.

We found dry erase boards and chalk boards at Michaels in the $1 bins!

**Don't forget to check our family fun page for idea, activities and websites! We also have a calendar with free local events that your family would enjoy! If you're local to Cincinnati and your kids are in love with horses, check out The Tack Trunk's Kids Week that starts next Monday, June21st! They will have special discounts and fun games including a horsey scavenger hunt! To end all the fun they will have Alex's Lemonade Stand on Saturday to help their foundation for childhood cancer! Please let us know if you have anything to add to the list!** 
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