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Monday, June 14, 2010

Money Saving Monday

We all love to save our money. We found a few links that can help you save money this summer while at home or on vacation!
  1. Target has partnered with 120 museums to bring you low or reduced price admissions. Can't find a location near you? Save the link for when you are going on vacation so you can enjoy the arts in a different city!
  2. Wanna see how "stuff" is made? This link is for you! Over 500 tours of factories from how to make ice cream and candy to airplanes and boats. Factory Tours USA has locations all over the country with tours for free or a small fee. Great to include some education on your family vacation!
  3. Going on vacation and want to find the scenic route? Check out the the most scenic route based on your destination. You can also visit America's Byways for other scenic routes.
Have any good money savers for the week? We would love to hear from you!

**Don't forget to check out our Coupon Queen for a ton of money saving links and tips!**
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