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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Painting for Every Age

Painting Made Easy (for the little ones)

Want your kids to have a love of painting, but don't feel like they are ready for real paint yet? Get a cup of water and a paint brush, go outside and let your kids "paint" the car, the furniture, or the driveway. They have fun and you don't have a mess to clean up! 

Edible Paint

That's can eat this kind of "paint". Scared your little one is still to young to paint for fear of eating it??!! No problem, just pull out a cookie sheet, spoon some pudding on it and let them go to town with a paint brush or for even more fun, their hands!!! Great to do outside for easier cleanup!

If your kids are ready for paint, DIY:

  • 1/3 cup natural soap flakes (grate your own with a cheese grater)
  • 1 cup cornstarch
  • 1 cup water (1/2 cup boiling and 1/2 cup cold)
  • Natural pigment:  Carrot juice, beet powder or juice (from canned beets), purple grape juice, strong black tea, cranberry juice, turmeric powder, or frozen berries and spinach (thaw, mash, and strain, using just the juice).
Place the soap flakes in a heat-resistant bowl, and pour in 1/2 cup of boiling water to melt them. Stir in the cornstarch and the rest of the water, and set the mixture aside until it cools and becomes thick. Divide into separate bowls and stir in the natural pigment. 

**Don't forget to check out our Family Fun page for great family websites and our calendar with family friendly fun events!!**
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