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Monday, June 7, 2010

Money Saving Monday: Kids Eat Free!

We had a family dinner at Max & Ermas and I saw that kids eat free on tuesdays...
*Max & Erma's: Kids eat free on Tuesdays. Includes children 12 and under with a purchase of an adult entree. Dine in only. Participating locations apply. See link for details Max & Erma's.*

Since we all love to save money I thought I would do a little more digging and I found that there are so many places that have specials on certain days where kids eat free! Since we are on a budget, going out to eat is a treat, so if your kids can eat free, it makes it that much sweeter!

See the following links below for additional restaurants for all areas:

Your Kids Eat Free

Call the restaurant location you plan on attending to get your free kids meal before you pack the kids in the car to go. Some of the individual restaurants may choose to opt out of the promotion or have slight differences! 

We also added a "Kids Eat Free" button on the blog where you can enter in your zip and it will bring up the closest restaurants to you that have these promotions! (currently the button is for cincinnati area only, but we are trying to see if we can find a more generalized button that would include all areas)

Please let us know if you have any favorite restaurants you go to that run promotions so the kiddos can eat for free! Do you have any additional websites that we can add to the list? 

**Don't forget to check out our Coupon Queen page with a TON of additional money saving websites!**

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