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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wednesday Weekly Check-In: Inspire Me!

This is our Wednesday Weekly Check-In! We know life can be crazy with kids and it is hard to even find a few minutes to go to the bathroom alone!! The day to day grind is chaotic and we are programmed to take care of everyone else before we take care of ourselves. However, if we don't give a little to ourselves, we can feel pretty empty at the end of the day. So this is our attempt to REMIND you to take care of YOU!!

With all that we do every day, our cup can run dry. I am sure we all know too well that this can cause us to feel a little down.  In the busy life of being a mom, it is hard for us to always connect with our friends and other moms when we need that support. This is why we wanted to create this blog. We wanted you to be able to reach out and find other moms when you had the time.. whether it is at 9:00am, 5:00pm, or 3:00am ...for the middle of the night feeding :) We want to create an online mothering community where moms can share and exchange info with one another and give support to each other. Although we all have different parenting styles and make different choices for our family, we all have one thing in common... we are MOMS! And for that reason, we can all relate in one way or another. We love hearing from you so please email us with anything you would like to see on the blog or with any other questions or comments. Please feel free to comment after any post with additional tips and tricks you have learned along the way! We are also hoping to use our facebook page as an open forum where we can share little "goodies" as we find them. Please feel free to share things on our page as well! We can all learn from each other along the way!

So.... we want to announce a new addition to Surviving Motherhood! It is called Inspire Me and it is a place where you can go when you need a little encouragement. A place where you can go to be inspired and uplifted with stories of other moms, other women! I am woman hear me ROAR!!!! We are opening Inspire Me with an adoption story of a personal friend of mine. We hope her story brings a little sunshine to your day! We would love to add your inspirational story to Inspire Me! Please send us an email! We would love to hear from you!
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