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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday Weekly Check In: Take Care of You

This is our time to remind ourselves and YOU that we must take time for ourselves this week! I talked last week about my "rough patch" and I am starting to feel a little better, but I am still working on my whole cholesterol debacle....

I have been doing some research on a low glycemic diet (which is suppose to help my PCOS and maybe my cholesterol issue) and I had referenced a wonderful book Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom (Revised Edition): Creating Physical and Emotional Health and Healing. It is literally a "bible" for the woman's body. She talks about PCOS and also a low glycemic diet and recommended doing a cleanse to reset your body. I have always wanted to do a cleanse but there are so many I had no idea which ones were good and then some that were recommended were crazy expensive. So I went out on a limb, looked this cleanse up and was pleasantly surprised at the price. It is specific to a low glycemic diet and it is suppose to help your body reset and help with carbohydrate cravings (which can increase insulin levels). So I am taking care of myself this week by taking a risk, splurging a little (you know how cheap I usually am) and ordering the cleanse. It consists of powdered protein shakes and bars, in addition to supplements. You can also eat a serving of fruit and a serving of vegetable within the day. It is 5 days which means I am not suppose to eat anything else for 5 days (deep breath, sigh). I am NOT doing this to drop a bunch of pounds. I don't believe in crash diets or weight loss pills because I think you just end up putting the weight back on and then some. I want to do this to become aware of what and how much I am eating. I am hoping it will help with my pcos (I will be sharing more of my story about this in the near future). I am super nervous but I have support and hopefully I won't be too crazy to the ones I love (I am apologizing in advance!) :)  I really just want to try and jump in feet first and complete the program.

They claim this resets your body and I am hoping this will help me on my path to lower my cholesterol!!! Keep your fingers crossed for me!

So... now that I have put all my stuff out there- what will you do for yourself this week? Even better, wanna do it with me?!
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