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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Disinfectants: Is There An Alternative?

 We have been trying to buy cleaning products that aren't harsh for us or the environment. As I run out of my cleaning products I am going to try and make my own! I have been wanting to do this for a while, but I was always worried about them not really cleaning. I am finding more and more people make their own and they seem to be pretty happy with the outcome!

My first venture has been finding an all natural disinfectant. Don't you always feel better if you are cleaning with something that has a disinfectant in it?? Have you ever stopped to think what is really in it? So... I found some great alternatives:

  • I have been using essential oils for a while now. You can sub out things in your medicine cabinet, clean your house, etc. There are two oils that are specifically used for disinfecting: lemon and thieves
    • With both oils, you can place 10-15 drops in a bottle, add water and spray! Spray on counter tops, toys etc. and you have an all natural disinfectant! 
    • Place a few drops of lemon oil in your water and it will pull all the contaminants to the top and purify your water. Don't forget to use a straw to bypass the top!
    • Place a few drops of thieves in your palm and rub over skin and clothes. This will create a natural disinfectant protective barrier against outside germs!! 
Don't have essential oils on hand?! No worries! 
  • Quarter a lemon and place it in a bowl of water. Microwave on high for 2 minutes. Then take a rag, dip it in the steamy lemon water, and wipe down counters
  • Take quartered lemon and put each part into your sinks garbage disposal while it's on with the water running. This will serve double duty as it will freshen the air while cleansing the disposal line
I would love to hear your DIY cleaning recipes so I can try them for myself! Leave it as a comment on this post, on our face book page or email us
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