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Monday, September 13, 2010

Organize Those Chores

We have our boys doing little things around the house because they love copying what we do.... but they aren't ready to to start doing major chores around the house- not yet at least :)

Although mom and dad are the only ones doing the major cleaning in our household, we have found an easy way for us or anyone(!) to organize those chores, regardless of who or how many people you have on your chores list! (thanks to mommy snacks for sharing this site with us!)

DLTK Custom Chore Chart is a website where you can customize your own chore chart based on what your needs are. It is super easy to use and FREE! You create your own template and theme (ie. blues clues) which can make it a little more exciting for the kids. Follow it step by step and you will have an easy way to organize your life a little and your chores :)

Since we are not  yet at this stage for the boys, we would love to hear your tips and suggestions for getting the kids involved with helping around the house. Do you like charts? Rewards? Share your secrets!!!

Cody LOVES his broom!
Cleaning up after play time!

Cody went a little crazy with his snacks on the boat!

All I can think of is to start them YOUNG!!! :)

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