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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wednesday Weekly Check-In

We are always talking about giving back to ourselves. Since having Cody, I do feel like sometimes he is literally sucking the life out of me :) It is extremely hard to find a balance between your kids, your partner, life, work... the list is endless! Life moves so fast, but it is so important for us to take a time out (I mean you can give yourself SOME time during the week right?!) and do something just for you- remember, that person you were before kids?!

Kim and I went to PF Changs for her birthday this week... she had NEVER tried the lettuce wraps (hello)!!! So, we had an awesome dinner, sampled some wines and had the most wonderful chocolate cake dessert! We ended up just talking for hours! It is so nice to be able to meet up with friends or go out with the hubs without the kids so you can refocus! We were able to have a conversation without having to worry about who is touching who, why is this one crying, who threw the food on the floor... you get the picture!!

We all love our kids and taking time out for ourselves is not selfish!!! I believe it really does make us better at all that we do!!! We would love to hear what you have done for yourself this week! Don't feel like you have the time and want to vent? We are hear to listen!!!

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