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Friday, July 30, 2010

Product Review: Kiddopotamus Placemat

Everyone always asks me about the Kiddopotamus Tinydiner Placemat, Green when they see me using it with Cody. I thought it would be a great post to let all of you know how much I love this product!!! If you know me, it comes as no surprise when I say that I am a germaphobe (is that a word??)!!! What I love most about this mat is that you can suction it to most surfaces and put your little ones food right on it!! No more remembering to bring your sanitizing wipes to clean off the table! This mat is reusable, it folds up super easy so you can fit it in your diaper bag or purse, it has a nice scoop chamber that the food falls in instead of your kids lap! It doesn't get much better than that!

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