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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Healthy Living: Garden Update!

Since my last garden update things have been moving right along with all the veggies! It has been really exciting to see everything growing and I FINALLY have some red tomatoes ready to pick!

I just picked these from the garden today! We've had great success with the zucchini, tomatoes and we have big plans to make pickles with the cucumbers! One thing to note with the zucchini is there has been a bug going around and literally over night eating and killing the zucchini plants. It looks like a yellow lady bug - BEWARE! If you see them you need to get them off your plants ASAP to salvage them!

Another picture of the cucumbers - my only issue with these is how much these take over the garden! I have these in a garden bed with carrots, when you plant them just make sure as they're spreading they don't choke any other plants you have near by!

Green beans are looking great! We hope to can these as well!

Here's a picture of the potatoes - these have been super easy to grow, it's still a bit early to harvest them so the rest will stay in the ground for a while longer to get a bit bigger.

We want to hear about your garden adventures and what you've enjoyed most so far this year! Also, we want to hear about your favorite recipes for all your veggies! Send them here!
Are you looking for a FREE way to get innovative with healthy eating and cooking up all the yummy veggies of the season? Check out the details below for a FREE class at Whole Foods in Mason!

Wednesday, July 28th 
Healthy Eating Cooking Class
6:00 p.m.
Cost: FREE
Join Brittany our Healthy Eating Specialist for delicious and easy dinner with recipes from the books that are the core of our Health Starts Here program Invite your friends and family to join you for this fun and delicious event! All attendees will receive delicious bites, recipes, and some healthy eating and cooking tips.

All classes are free unless otherwise noted but registration is required. To sign up for a class, contact Paula Mangold at 513-459-6131 or

Whole Foods Market Mason
5805 Deerfield Blvd.
Mason, OH 45040

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