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Saturday, July 3, 2010

Farmers' Market

We have talked about Farmers' Markets in the past and now is the time to visit yours!! If you are not sure where to start, find one local to you, grab a friend and GO!!! There is nothing better than supporting our local farmers!!! You can also find a farm where you can pick your own food which would be fun for the kids too!
I recently went to Wyoming Farmers' Market and this is what I bought:

  • Strawberries
  • Sugar Snap Peas (which I have never tried and they are awesome!)
  • Potatoes
  • Kale (and a TON of it!)
  • Blueberries (one of Cody's fav)
I got all of this from local farmers for $18! Not bad at all! Everyone was very helpful with answering all of my questions and I felt like all of the prices were very fair! Overall, it was a great time! Do you have any favorite markets in your area? 

Need some recipe ideas for all the good food you just bought?! Visit our recipe blog for family friendly meals! We would love for you to share your fav recipes with us!  Send us an email and we will post it on our recipe blog !
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