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Monday, August 30, 2010

Money Saving Monday: Kids Clothes on the Cheap!

Now that our boys are nearing two, we have come to realize how expensive it is to buy their clothes that a month later they have grown out of! We are always trying to find ways to help our family budget and getting clothes for the boys is no exception! We thought we would share what we have found so far and would LOVE for you to share your tips with us as well!

  1. Consignment Shops: These are places you can get gently used clothing & shoes for reasonable prices. Average cost of shirts may be around $4. You can also take your clothes in to sell! Some stores we have visited include: Once Upon A Child, Snooty Fox, Reruns for Wee Ones (local to cincy). 
  2. Swap Sites: These are online sites that allow you to swap clothes with other families. Most are free but require a nominal fee for shipping the items. One we just recently found but haven't tried yet is Thred Up. You can also check out our Coupon Queen for a list of several other swap sites!
  3. Garage Sales: This can be a hit or miss... but that can be part of the fun! You can normally find clothes for $1 or less and there is always room for bartering the price! Craigslist has links to sales in your area.
  4. Online: Parents will sell gently used clothing at a fraction of the cost! Check out Craigslist and Ebay!
  5. Local Parent Sales: We have Mothers of Twins Sales etc. that go on local to cincy. They sell kids clothes on the cheap... normally $1 a piece!  Check out your area for local parent group sales or start your own! We will be posting upcoming sale dates as we find them on our facebook page (and feel free to post anything you find on there too)! 
  6. Don't forget to ask your friends and family to borrow their used kids clothes... Then it is free :)
Please add anything you know of to our list!!! We are always looking for a great deal!

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